If you really want to create true love and partnership in your life, you must begin by being in resonance with the consciousness of love.  It is learning to see the beauty, love and joy in everyone and everything, even when so called, “bad things” happen and not beating yourself up when things don’t go as expected.

In order to create this resonance of love, we must do more than “self-care” for ourselves.  Yes, making time for us is important and listed below are 30 simple and easy things you can do to focus on your physical, mental and emotional self-love practice.  While these are all wonderful things you can do for yourself, the goal is not to pick 3 things a day and check them off the list.  The intention is to keep love in the forefront of your mind and to bring love into every moment of every day.

Having a self-care morning practice is extremely important as it sets the tone for the day and having a self-care evening practice is wonderful as it allows you to relax and wind down before you go to sleep at night, so you can obtain a peaceful sleep.  We must not forget it is times during the day when everyday life activities happen that we need to keep LOVE in the forefront of our minds. We must remember the simple little things that bring us joy, happiness and pleasure in the precious moments of our day, not just during our “planned self-care time”.


Drink herbal tea Read a book Buy yourself flowers
Take a luxurious bath Listen to music Say affirmations to yourself
Go out for a nice dinner Make a vision board Keep a gratitude journal
Get a manicure or pedicure Learn a new skill Light your favorite candle
Diffuse some oils Take a walk in nature Breathe and Meditate
Cook your favorite meal Turn your phone off Journal & reflect on the day
Exercise Listen to a motivational quote Call a friend
Get a massage Do a fun project Send a thinking of you text
Snuggle or a hug Paint, draw or write Make a candlelight dinner
Play with kids or dog Sing. Dance or laugh Go on a date


To experience any great relationship, you need to cultivate the relationship and make time for each other.  If you want to build relationships with customers, you make time for them. If you want to have a great relationship with your partner, you need to set an intention and put in time and effort daily.  The same goes with being in resonance of love.  You need to set focused intentions to have an epic love affair with yourself daily.  When you focus on living a life of love, you begin to radiate that love in all that you do.  It is not our partner’s job to make us happy and to remind us of how amazing we are.  It is OUR JOB to love ourselves so much that our love is overflowing and inspiring to others.

When you LOVE who you are at your CORE, your radiance shines so bright, that others are inspired by the love you exude in this world.