I am a pretty transparent person and share from the heart. I believe it is when we share our vulnerabilities we allow ourselves to speak our truth and we become a shining light and example to others.

I have been through a lot of ups and downs in my life the past few years, but I don’t allow my circumstances to bring me down.  Yes, there are days where I have to be with and feel the emotions that are coming over me, but I will NOT let them get the best of me.

I have dealt with relationship issues, leaving my corporate job, challenges with a difficult child and the healing of past childhood wounds that have enabled me to grow into the person that I am today. God has opened up so many doors, because I have continued to say YES to being a leader in my life and not play a victim to my stories.

Many of you reading this could be struggling with health issues, chronic pain, mental issues, an emotional break-up, divorce, aging parents, or challenges with a difficult child. We all have challenges in life that we must face, but we can CHOOSE to let our stories and baggage take over, where we CHOOSE to play the victim or we can step up and be a LEADER in our life.


However, I CHOOSE to stay open to the lessons, messages and opportunities my challenges have brought me to learn.  I CHOOSE to let go of the excuses and the stories.  I CHOOSE to make room for more of what I want in life.

The key is taking 100% responsibility every day for what is happening, whether it is caused by me or not.  I CHOOSE to stay positive.  I CHOOSE to let go of regrets.  I CHOOSE to take action.

I am excited that my business continues to grow and now have a tribe I am excited to lead on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/1020361341358340/ .  I invite you to joins us.  I share many tips that helped me get to the solid place I am right in my life.

Stay tuned for a new FREE series I will be offering entitled PASSPORT to SILENCE.  You will get the opportunity to join me for 10 Days of SILENCE, to drop the excuses and allow yourself to reconnect with YOU!