Shift Your Energy Around Abundance

How do you feel about money and abundance? We all have a story around money, and it’s important to dive into it deeper. I attended a networking event once and the presentation was around understanding your perspectives around money and abundance and the story that many people have created for themselves. It started with a […]
The Secret to New Years Resolutions

It is that time of the year again after the holidays where we take the time to think about our goals, dreams and intentions for the next year. Many people want to lose weight, make more money, create more intimacy in their lives, find the “right” someone for them and the list goes on…. I […]
Enjoy the Real Moments

As you continue to rush around in an attempt to finish up your holiday preparations, remember to take some time to enjoy the REAL MOMENTS that life provides. It can be hard during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season to take time to experience everything, instead of trying so hard to get everything […]
Being Present is the Perfect Gift

It’s that time of year again – the hustle, the bustle, the fast pace of the holiday season. Between parties and planning and gift buying, we have an overly full plate most of the time. We can find ourselves searching for the “PERFECT” gift for each of the loved ones on our list. You may […]
Why You Should Follow Your Bliss

Becoming the woman that you are meant to be can take many paths. Digging deep and discovering what makes you happy is often an important step, and learning how to follow your bliss can create new opportunities and take you on journeys you never expected. Let me share a story with you… A few years […]
Freedom Friday Special

Every year for as long as I can remember I have been one of those crazy people who has gone out shopping for Black Friday. I remember years ago when stores didn’t open until 6am on Friday and my mom and I would go to bed early and plot out our day. Over the past few […]
Finding Gratitude in Your Gifts

This week, I am feeling so grateful for all of the amazing things that have happened in my life to bring me to the place where I am today. I’m finding gratitude in my gifts, in the relationships I’ve made, and in the experiences I’ve had because of them. As I’ve been reflecting about gratitude, […]
Embrace the Unknown

Are you the type of person who HAS to have a plan? Do you need to know everything that is going to happen in order to reach your specific destination? It’s hard to let things just happen, especially in a culture where we have so many demands on our time and we are often trying […]
Give Saying YES a Chance

How do we stop body shaming? How can we put an end to deprivation? The first step is we must be willing, open, and ready to saying YES to ourselves. But how? Saying YES is not always an easy step. It can feel easier to say no and close the door to risk, chance, and new possibilities. […]