Should I Spend Money on That?

How many of you find yourself struggling with “SHOULD I SPEND MONEY ON THAT? What have you been taught about money? Have you been taught the following?: Money is the root of all evil Money is not that important, its just money Money doesn’t grow on trees, it is a limited resource You need to […]
The Last Time

You never know the last time that your child might do something cute. Especially if you have multiple kids. The first time a child walks, talks, or has a milestone, we tend to take a lot of time and energy ogling over the experience. The more kids you have, sometimes the less we remember to […]
Enjoy the Real Moments

As you continue to rush around in an attempt to finish up your holiday preparations, remember to take some time to enjoy the REAL MOMENTS that life provides. It can be hard during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season to take time to experience everything, instead of trying so hard to get everything […]