Should I Spend Money on That?

How many of you find yourself struggling with “SHOULD I SPEND MONEY ON THAT? What have you been taught about money? Have you been taught the following?: Money is the root of all evil Money is not that important, its just money Money doesn’t grow on trees, it is a limited resource You need to […]
Embrace Your Weirdness! What is Normal Anyway?
As millions of women gather in various places in honor of International Women’s day this week, I thought it was fitting to not only honor women who have stood up for many important causes as well as controversial topics over the years, but to also reflect upon what difference each one of us makes as […]
I Faced My Fear
How many of us have the courage to face our fears? Its so much easier to run away and hide from them, than it is to face them. If we can point the finger or blame someone else for a situation, then we keep ourselves in that fear mentality. We are choosing to not take […]
Has any one told you to stop playing the victim?

This past week I had two opportunities show up in my life that really tested me. My family has been looking for a dog and it seemed like everything was falling into place with grace and ease. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I kept praying and asking for guidance on what […]
The Secret to New Years Resolutions

It is that time of the year again after the holidays where we take the time to think about our goals, dreams and intentions for the next year. Many people want to lose weight, make more money, create more intimacy in their lives, find the “right” someone for them and the list goes on…. I […]
Freedom Friday Special

Every year for as long as I can remember I have been one of those crazy people who has gone out shopping for Black Friday. I remember years ago when stores didn’t open until 6am on Friday and my mom and I would go to bed early and plot out our day. Over the past few […]