Thank You and It Takes A Village
As a special thanks to all of my subscribers, I have decided to provide some BONUSES for you. We all know that it takes a village to raise a child, but it also takes a village to help each of us grow in our own journey’s as well and I have 3 special offers for you. […]
I Faced My Fear
How many of us have the courage to face our fears? Its so much easier to run away and hide from them, than it is to face them. If we can point the finger or blame someone else for a situation, then we keep ourselves in that fear mentality. We are choosing to not take […]
What are Three Little Words that Hurt Our Self Care Practices?

You hear phrases like, nurture yourself, self-care, take time for you, etc… You know self-care is important, but if you are overwhelmed like I was, you almost don’t know where to begin. You know that something feels off. You know that you have this burning desire for something more. You know that in your gut […]
Has any one told you to stop playing the victim?

This past week I had two opportunities show up in my life that really tested me. My family has been looking for a dog and it seemed like everything was falling into place with grace and ease. I was excited and nervous at the same time. I kept praying and asking for guidance on what […]
Shift Your Energy Around Abundance

How do you feel about money and abundance? We all have a story around money, and it’s important to dive into it deeper. I attended a networking event once and the presentation was around understanding your perspectives around money and abundance and the story that many people have created for themselves. It started with a […]
Enjoy the Real Moments

As you continue to rush around in an attempt to finish up your holiday preparations, remember to take some time to enjoy the REAL MOMENTS that life provides. It can be hard during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season to take time to experience everything, instead of trying so hard to get everything […]
Being Present is the Perfect Gift

It’s that time of year again – the hustle, the bustle, the fast pace of the holiday season. Between parties and planning and gift buying, we have an overly full plate most of the time. We can find ourselves searching for the “PERFECT” gift for each of the loved ones on our list. You may […]
Why You Should Follow Your Bliss

Becoming the woman that you are meant to be can take many paths. Digging deep and discovering what makes you happy is often an important step, and learning how to follow your bliss can create new opportunities and take you on journeys you never expected. Let me share a story with you… A few years […]
What is it that you desire?

When it comes to the holidays, you probably hear this question from your loved ones a lot, “What do you want?” My first thought was always REALLY? Do you really need to ask me what I want? Then the little gremlins start to come in saying things like, “If you really loved me, you would […]
Embrace the Unknown

Are you the type of person who HAS to have a plan? Do you need to know everything that is going to happen in order to reach your specific destination? It’s hard to let things just happen, especially in a culture where we have so many demands on our time and we are often trying […]