In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I wanted thank all of the people that supported Prop 37 in the November election. For those of you that are unaware, Prop 37 was an attempt in the state of California to mandate the labeling of Genetically Modified (GM) foods across the state. As Americans, we have a right to know what is in our foods so that we can make informed choices for ourselves.

Currently unregulated by the Food and Drug Administration, genetically modified ingredients are found in up to 70 per cent of food on the shelves of grocery stores across the US, including many foods and beverages that contain high fructose corn syrup. 85 per cent of US corn is genetically engineered (which include corn meal and corn syrups ingredients), or traces of soybean, (where 91 percent of soy is GE which includes oil, flour, lecithin, and protein extract ingredients.)

For thousands of years, food was grown without the need to modify what nature naturally intended. Many companies in the food industry have now determined that there is a need to genetically modify our foods. GM foods have had genes from other plants or animals inserted into their genetic code for various reasons, such as resistance to pests, improved taste or longer shelf life. There is still much controversy on the health impacts of GMO’s, but there is evidence by many people who support natural and organic eating that GMO’s cause damage and health issues to our bodies. Some emerging studies have linked biotechnology to organ damage, reproductive problems, autoimmune disorders, and cancer among other health related issues. Link below to larger image of picture.

There are 61 countries across the world that require foods to be labeled with GMO’s, but we don’t have that luxury in the US. “The European legal system: GMOs cannot be put on the market without approval, whether it’s a food product made from GM crops or seeds for GM plants. In 2004, a new, fundamentally revised legal system took effect in all 25 EU Member States. The essential foundations of the EU’s policies are tight safety standards and safeguarding freedom of choice for consumers and for farmers. ”

The purpose of modifying our foods is certainly not for any known health benefits, but to promote big business and our fast pace lifestyles. Notice the amount of money spent by big businesses to persuade people NOT to support the bill.

While the bill did not pass (with a 47.6% to 52.4% at the polls), this movement has fundamentally changed the conversation on GMO’s in the US. There were many grassroots efforts in California and across the country where people and companies stood up for democracy and labeling of genetically modified foods and supporting our legal right to know what is in our foods.

The people who run these companies care a great deal about doing the right thing such as Dr. Mercola, Dr. Bronner’s, Lundberg Family Farms, Nutiva, Amy’s Kitchen, Organic Valley, Clif Bar, Udi’s, Earth Balance, Annie’s Homegrown, Applegate, Eden Foods and Good Earth Natural Foods.

If you are looking to purchase foods where you can feel comfortable knowing what is in them, I encourage you to support these natural and organic companies who have stepped up to the plate and stood behind their customers and this grassroots movement to label GMO’s

If you are interested in learning more about this effort and supporting future efforts on our right to know what is in our foods, check out the Food Democray Now site.

There is also a video on this site which highlights Preident Obama’s promise during his first election to label GMO’s. Join Food democracy now in their efforts to encourage the president to fulfull his promise to our nation.