This month I want to talk about what it REALLY means to believe. As a young girl I was raised in a Catholic home and my faith was the foundation and bedrock of my family. I was taught various beliefs, values, and guiding principles about life. Since faith was the foundation of my family, I never questioned them. I followed the rules and took on all those values and beliefs as my own.
Over the years, I slowly started to discover that not all the beliefs I was taught felt good to me, but how could I dare begin to question what was solidly true? I remember many times my faith was challenged. I could feel this overwhelming feeling of “Is this from God or the Devil?” I knew what I was taught and yet what I felt in my heart was so different. Who should I listen to? Which feeling is from God and which is from the Devil? How do I reconcile what is showing up for me?
Early in my journey after I attended a retreat 8 years ago, I remember I met two beautiful women at a networking event, one was a Psychic Medium and another was a Tantric Healer. I loved their enthusiasm and energy and felt called to connect with them. They were such beaming bright lights and it felt good to be around them. After the meeting, a highly successful Christian woman came up to me and warned me NOT to connect with them. It was very strange. She demanded that I not entertain conversing with these women for my own protection, because they were not of God and that she prayed for their souls daily.
I was in shock and confused. I respected this woman, and yet, I also really connected with the two new women I had just met. At this time in my life, my faith taught me, that reiki, energy workers, psychics etc… were not from God, but from the Devil. So, I went to the chapel to pray for guidance. I was confused. My heart was pulling me in one direction and what I was taught was pulling me in another. Which voice do I listen to? Later that evening a friend of mine (another Christian woman) said Jen, I met this amazing woman who I think you need to meet. It was one of the 2 women I had met earlier that day. In that moment, I KNEW I needed to follow my heart. This was God telling me it was safe and welcome to meet with these women.
In that moment, I shifted an old belief about “energy work” and these women. Not because I found proof written in the bible, or an article online. I FELT IT in the core of my being. It was like the fear I had was wiped away. I prayed and asked for guidance and was given the answer. God always says, “ask and you shall receive.”
This is just one example early on in my journey of having to face some tough roadblocks of deciding which path to take. Learning how to listen to the wisdom of my body and discern what is truth and what is a lie. Over the past 10 years I have discovered many beliefs that have stopped me from stepping into the fullest version or myself. I was living a lie, walking around numb and unfulfilled and didn’t know it. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. I thought I was being a good mom, good wife, good friend and living up to others’ expectations, but what I have learned now is how to open my heart, body and mind to the truth that is inside of me.
I invite you to join me on a journey to discovering the truth about YOU. The truth about DESIRE. The truth about LOVE. The truth about your BODY. The truth about SEX. The truth about POWER. The truth about WEALTH and VALUE.
The truth is we didn’t learn these things in school. Our education was focused on reading, writing and arithmetic. Our parents did the best job they could with the knowledge they had, but if they didn’t know they couldn’t teach us either. I want to help guide you on a journey to becoming the fullest expression of who you are as a woman. When you learn how to become aware of your beliefs, let go of what is no longer serving you and claim your desires, you step into your feminine power and shine your light into the world. Stay tuned for more nuggets of wisdom of what I have learned on this journey to unlocking my feminine power and stepping into fullest expression of me. I hope you are curious, inspired and motivated to learn how you too can shift the beliefs that are no longer serving you and live a life filled with passion, pleasure and purpose.