Happy New Year to all. As with every new year, we all have resolutions that we plan on achieving for the upcoming year. When it comes to our health, many of us have goals to exercise more, start eating healthier, giving up soda, drink more water, maybe even run a 5K , marathon or triatholon. The list goes on and on.

I challenge you this year that before you create a long list of specific goals you want to accomplish, think about how you want to BE this year. Many times we are wrapped up in DOING, that we forget how to BE.

Have you ever had a goal of changing how you were going to BE for the year?

I attended a seminar a couple years ago where I did the following exercise. I outlined what I was DOING, who I was BEING and what I HAD. At the end of the exercise, I learned if I continued BEING a certain way, there was an almost probably certain future, that I would probably DO the same types of actions and end up HAVING many of the same results. We all know it takes at least 21 days to change a habit, but the secret to making successful change in our lives is to focus on who we are BEING. This is the compass that drives us.

I came across this site http://myoneword.org/and the concept is to pick JUST ONE WORD and have that be your focus or goal for the next year.

xmas 2014 109MY ONE WORD this year is NURTURE. When I sat down to figure out my word, this one just resonated.  Turning 40 has made me take a closer look at how I view myself.  In order for me to grow into my true authentic self, I must love and appreciate myself for the person God created me to be. When I nurture and love myself, I will then have more than enough love and energy  to my family as well as the clients I work with.  If I change my focus to BEING nurturing in all that I do, amazing things will happen in my life.

I encourage you to let me know what your ONE WORD for the year is going to be. If you want to share why great. If not, please go ahead and just share your ONE WORD. I think it would be fun to see what others are thinking.


If you are interested in learning more about the other services One Powerful Step provides, visit   http://onepowerfulstep.com/ or contact me at Jen@onepowerfulstep.com